“El Flamenco grita lo que mi alma calla.”
"Flamenco screams what my soul silences."

Micaela Harari

Born in the U.S. to modern dancer and father in the wine business, Micaela was surrounded as a child by dancing. She developed a passion for singing and playing guitar and banjo. She tried traditional American dance styles and studied Graham technique and jazz. At 21 years old she saw live flamenco for the first time at an informal event and was impressed by the power and clarity of flamenco.

She went to classes with Rosa Montoya, a gypsy dancer in San Francisco, and at the famous flamenco School in Madrid, Amor de Dios. She found her place with Ramon and Clara de los Reyes in Boston, Massachusetts. She studied with them and joined their performing company. With guitarist, David Cotto Rojas, she went to New York to continue learning and perform with musicians in clubs, bars, and festivals.

She moved to Jerusalem in 1992 and started to teach and choreograph for her students. She has participated in many shows with Spanish and Israeli artists and produced her own shows, building relationships with artists from various fields of music such as Indian, Ladino, Spanish classical, and Arab. She also teaches and choreographs for dance companies.

Her approach to flamenco is as an interpreter, staying loyal to the forms and spirit of the art and conveying it to the best of her ability to students and audiences. Her mission is to promote flamenco and share its vitality.